Robert Kemp president of DRT Transportation, gives a tour of his building after a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday afternoon as Terry Ryan (left) vice president of DRT Transportation listens. LEBANON DAILY NEWS – JEREMY LONG
(Lebanon, PA) June 19, 2013 – DRT celebrated the opening its new office space with an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony on June 19th. Attendees included Larry Bowman, president and CEO of the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce, and representatives from the Lebanon County Commissioners and North Cornwall Township organizations.

(l-r) Larry Bowman, president and CEO of the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce, Kip Kelly, North Cornwall Twp supervisor, Jo Ellen Litz, Lebanon County Commissioner, Terry Ryan, vice president DRT Transportation, Robert Kemp, president DRT Transportation, Shannon Kemp, Sean Kemp, Tim McShane, Lebanon Valley Chamber ambassador, Bill Ames, Lebnaon County Commissioner, Dianne Stott, district office manager for Rep. Mauree Gingrich, and Robin Getz, North Cornwall Township manager. LEBANON DAILY NEWS – JEREMY LONG